Cheat by Agelito
Code Generator by kHaLeD (PetSocietyNews)
Tools (download tools in the Tools section):
- cheat engine 5.5
- firefox
- flash 9/flash 10
- Go into Pet Society and Buy an Apple
- Open cheat engine
- Tick hex, change value to "Array Of Bytes", Tick Also Scan Read Only Memory
- Scan "8B 89 B4 02 00 00 89 45 E8 8D 45 E8 50 6A 00 51"
- 1 address returned. Copy this address and paste it in the generator below.
- Input Desired Paw Points. Example: Type 420000 if you're level 1 and wants to be level 47.
- Click Generate.
- Copy out ALL the generated codes.
- Right click the address found in step 5 and select Disassemble.
- Click Tools > Auto Assemble
- Paste generated codes here and click Execute. Click Ok.
- Now buy an apple and you will gain the amount of paw points that you input in the generator.
- Have fun. Tested and working as at 10 January 2010.
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