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Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Cheat Country Story | | Latest Working Combo Tool

Credits: TigerZZ
The last country story tool was no longer working and some of you guys were asking for an updated version, so here you go.

Tools (download tools in the Tools section):

  • Country Story Coins/Exp Tool by TigerZZ [download: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 ] Choose any links if the other links are not working for you.
  • Flash 10
  • Firefox

  1. Open Country Story Tool (CStool)
  2. Play Country Story. (click to play)
  3. Water a plant, harvest a plant, plow a ground.
  4. Now select Browser in the CStool, click Start then click Scan (see below screenshot)
  5. Depending on your CPU, the scanning should be done in a couple of minutes and the 3 buttons are now clickable. If they're not clickable, repeat from step1 again.
  6. Click Infinite Stamina, Infinite Water, and WaterCoins cheat
  7. Plant a new seed on the ground and start watering it. Use a mouse recorder and you can level up fast.

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