Selamat Datang di ~Before-Night~

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Cheat Islander Beta | | Coins & Exp Cheat

Credits: AnEjd@fREE2SW4U. Working as at 29Jan
Tools (download tools in the Tools section):

  • Charles 3.4.1 (do not update)
  • Firefox
  1. Open Charles
  2. Play Islander (click to play. Wait 15secs for game to load or click Skip)
  3. In Charles, look out for the url ''
  4. Expand > Expand islander-beta1/ > Expand php/
  5. You should see this line ' update_userinfo.php'
    If you dont see it, harvest a plant or collect coconuts
  6. Right click it and select Edit.
  7. Click Form and change the Experience and islandCoins to 999999
  8. Click Execute
  9. Refresh game and the exp and coins are saved. Watch the video if unclear.

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