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Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Cheat Country Story | | Reward Cheat

Credits: Pablito@Fullelectronica

Tools (download tools in the Tools section):

  • cheat engine 5.6
  • flash 10
  • firefox/flock
  1. Open cheat engine (hex, array of bytes, ASROM)
  2. Enter Country Story (click to play)
  3. Water a plant
  4. Scan "660F2EC10F93C00FB6C08945EC8B45EC
  5. 1 address returned. Right click > Diassemble
  6. You will see the line 'blahblah.xmm0,xmm1". Change it to "blahblah.xmm0,xmm0"
  7. Scroll down a few lines and you should see the code "ind "test eax,eax" 
  8. Change it to "test ebx,ebx"
  9. Plant a seed or water a plant now. You will keep getting rewards each time you plant/water a seed.

Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

Anti Virus | | AVG Internet Security 9.0 Full Version

AVG Internet Security akan memberikan perlindungan yang aman untuk anda ketika menjelajahi, menelusuri, mengunduh, bertransaksi perbankan, dan berbelanja online dengan aman. Dan melindungi komputer anda dari serangan-serangan seperti virus, spyware, adware dan trojan
Dengan AVG Internet Security,  Anda senantiasa mendapatkan pengalaman online secara aman. Dengan beberapa lapis perlindungan dari Internet Security, Anda tidak perlu cemas dengan pencurian identitas, spam, atau virus. Dan ini bahkan mencegah Anda secara tidak sengaja mengunjungi situs berbahaya.
Keamanan yang lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas ini tidak akan memperlambat komputer Anda
  • Bertransaksi perbankan dan berbelanja online dengan aman tanpa takut akan pencurian identitas berkat teknologi Perlindungan Identitas baru dari AVG
  • Menjelajahi dan menelusuri dengan rasa yakin, dengan LinkScanner® memeriksa halaman web di saat yang paling menentukan - tepat sebelum Anda mengklik tautan itu
  • Bertukar foto dan file lainnya dengan teman melalui IM dan jaringan sosial, aman dari risiko infeksi virus yang tak disengaja
  • Mengunduh musik dan aplikasi dengan aman
  • Menjaga kotak masuk Anda tetap bersih dari phisher, scammer, dan spammer sehingga Anda dapat fokus pada penggunaan email agar tetap terhubung dengan teman dan keluarga
  • Nikmati performa pemindaian berkecepatan tinggi yang konsisten dengan pemindai virus modern yang BARU dari kami
AVG Internet Security Features :
  • Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware : Perlindungan terhadap virus, spyware, adware dan trojan
  • LinkScanner Search-Shield : Peringkat keselamatan waktu nyata untuk semua hasil penelusuran Google, Yahoo dan MSN/Live search
  • LinkScanner Active Surf-Shield : Melindungi dari laman web yang terinfeksi secara waktu-nyata saat Anda menjelajah web
  • Web Shield : Menyaring unduhan Anda dan mencegah infeksi tanpa sengaja melalui obrolan IM
  • Anti-Rootkit : Perlindungan terhadap ancaman tersembunyi yang mengantarkan konten jahat/merusak
  • Dukungan Gratis : Dukungan dan layanan gratis sepanjang waktu dan di seluruh dunia
  • Firewall : Menghentikan peretas (hacker) dan penyebaran virus di internet
  • Anti-Spam : Menangkap ancaman e-mail termasuk pencurian identitas (phishing), penipuan dan spam
Jangan lupa untuk remove Program Anti Virus lainnya sebelum memulai installasi Anti Virus AVG
  • Download file setup AVG Anti Virus
  • Lakukan Installasi
  • Ketika proses instal sedang berlangsung dan muncul menu “Activate Your AVG License” , masukkan data dan serial yang terdapat dibawah postingan ini
  • Lanjutkan Proses installasi sampai dengan selesai
  • Finished
Jangan lupa setelah selesai untuk segera update Anti Virus AVG, untuk lebih jelas tentang Update Anti Virus AVG baca postingan saya sebelumnya : Tips Update Anti Virus AVG
AVG Internet Security 9 dari situs resminya dihargai sebesar US $54.99 untuk setahun. Di situs ini anda bisa mendapatkannya secara gratis, bahkan data dan serial yang bisa anda download dari d60pc website  valid sampai 26 Februari 2018 (9 tahun lebih).
AVG Internet Security 9.0 is compatible with : Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
License Number :

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Adobe Flash Player

Klik This Link

Tools Section | | Charles Web Debugging Proxy Crack

Credits: Wei @ fREE2SW4U

Rejoice guys, as you can now crack your Charles and not get those annoying pop-ups or 30min usage anymore. You can now easily spending longer time finding loopholes in your favourite game without the 30minute limitation. Just follow the steps.   

Tools (download tools in the Tools section):
  • Java Installer (You need this to be able to run Charles. Users who are able to use Charles all the whiledo not have to install this. 
  • Charles Installer + Crack [Link 1Link 2Link 3]
  1. Download the above file.
  2. Use Winrar to extract all 3 files to your Desktop
  3. Double click charles_setup_3.51.exe and install Charles into your computer. (You should probably uninstall the previous version of Charles)
  4. Double click run.bat
  5. A Charles v3.5 Patcher should appear. (if it didnt, you didnt extract all the 3 files to your desktop!! read step 2!!)
  6. Click 'browse'
  7. Navigate to the folder where Charles was installed. (If default, it will be at C:\Program Files\Charles\lib)
  8. In the 'lib' folder, you should see a charles.jar. Double click that.
  9. Charles will now be successfully cracked. 
  10. Open Charles, click Help, click Register
  11. Input anything you want for both the name and the key. 
  12. You can now use Charles as a fully registered software. Have fun finding cheats!

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Tips n' Trik | | Nero serial key

Code: 9M03-01A1-PCX7-K31A-8A94-98PT-KT2E-522A

Tips n' Trik | | Excellence Flash Speed 200% - Internet Accelerator

Flash Speed adalah salah satu software Internet Accelerator. Sehingga dengan menggunakan software ini maka koneksi internet kita dapat dioptimalkan, makin stabil, dan cepat. Dari situs resminya dikatakan bahwa dengan menggunakan software ini dapat mengoptimalkan Koneksi Internet kita sampai dengan 200%. Dan juga dapat meningkatkan kecepatan download.
Flash Speed 200% dapat mengoptimalkan settingan koneksi internet :Dial-Up, LAN, Cable, ADSL, HDSL, VDSL dan koneksi PPPoE. Untuk tampilan, dan cara settingannya bisa dibilang cukup mudah. Dari situs resminya software ini dihargai sebesar $19.95 . Di sini kita bisa mendapatkannya dengan gratis dan Full Version.
Excellence Flash Speed 200% :
FlashSpeed200% is an Internet accelerator that help you optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more. The software changes some Windows settings to give you faster performance, and optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more according to your computer. It support optimiz Dial-Up, Lan, Cable, ADSL, HDSL, VDSL and PPPoE connections up to 200% faster. Increase your download speeds.
  • Easy to use
  • Optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more
  • Support optimiz Dial-Up, Lan, Cable, ADSL, HDSL, VDSL and PPPoE connections up to 200% faster
  • Increase your download speeds
  • Very easy and friendly interface
System Requirements :
  • CPU: 333 Mhz Pentium II or higher
  • Memory: 32 MB RAM or higher
  • Disk Space: 10 MB free hard drive space
  • Operating System: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and Windows Vista
Petunjuk Install :
  • Download dan ekstrak
  • Lakukan installasi pada file FlashSpeed.exe yang terdapat pada folder Flash Speed 200% 3.7-setup
  • Setelah selesai melakukan installasi tutup program ini.
  • Lalu buka file Flash Speed 200% v3.7-Patch.exe yang terdapat pada folder Flash Speed 200%, dan copy kan kedalam folder installasi : C:\Program Files\Flash Speed 200
  • Dan jalankan file patch tersebut, dan pilih menu patch
  • Finish
Tapi bagaimanapun masalah dan kecepatan koneksi yang kita gunakan tergantung dari jasa penyedianya / provider. Software hanya untuk membantu untuk mengoptimalkan. Untuk download software ini silahkan download pada link download dibawah ini :

SPP Ranch | | Exp and Coins Cheats

Credits: h333472002@fREE2SW4U

Tools (download tools in the Tools Selections) (Coming Soon)

  • Charles 3.4.1 
  • Flash 10
  1. Open Charles Web Proxy Debugger
  2. Enter SPP Ranch! (click to play)
  3. Click on a rubbish.
  4. In Charles, you should see this line ''
  5. Expand it 「+」  > Expand ranch  「+」  > Expand amfapi/ 「+」
  6. You will see the line bulk_dispatch_actions (select the bottom one), right click and select 'Repeat Advanced'
  7. Iterations: 100,000 . Concurrency: 5
  8. Let the iterations run finish. Refresh the game and you should see your new exp and coins. Enjoy!
    Note: you can ignore the 30mins charles message as it will continue running.

Cheat Pet Society | | Valentines Database 2010

All items cost 111 coins only.
Important: To prevent Mayor from appearing, try purchasing 2 or 3 items, save the game, buy another 2 or 3 items and save and repeat. This is because the items should not be sold yet hence it is a little unstable. This list is not the full Vday 2010 items but it is still a cool gift to give your beloved ones before they are officially launched. But hey, if you are feeling lucky, you can trypurchasing more items at one go and pray the mayor doesnt appear.

Tools (download tools in the Tools section):

  • Fiddler2 (yea. still working so stop asking)
  • Valentines Day 2010 Database Download [Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3]
  • Chrome / IE
Steps :

  1. Open Fiddler
  2. Click 'Clear cache' if this is not your first time using Fiddler. Try to clear your browser cache too.
  3. Go into Pet Society using IE or CHROME. (sometimes mayor appear on 1, so try the other browser)
  4. In Fiddler, search for this line '/game/pets/swf/X.X.X/shops/shopLuxuryXXXX.dat (the X are digits that changes every update)
  5. Right click this line, copy > just url
  6. Go to Autoresponder
  7. Click Add
  8. The url that you copied will appear.
  9. Now click on the arrow at the bottom besides the Save button
  10. Select 'Find a File' and browse for the database that you've just downloaded from me
  11. Click Save
  12. Click Clear Cache and refresh your Pet Society
  13. Enter the Luxury Shop and you should see the Pets. Have fun!

Restaurant City | | Free Some Item

You will need to be a fan of restaurant city to get these items: Click to be a FAN now.

As a huge thank you to ALL our amazing fans we're giving you this cute tiger cub as fan exclusive gift! Let your friends know that if they want one too all they have to do is become a fan! Enjoy!

Click here to get your cute Tiger cub (wait 15 secs or click skip)

Love is in the air... literally! New items in Restaurant City will send hearts floating all over your restaurant. Send one to someone special and show them how you feel! And because we all love chocolate on Valentine's Day here's a little gift from us to you!

Click here to get your FREE chocolate

Restaurant City | | Combo Tools

Credits: TigerZZ and pwnthis

What can you do with this tool?
- gain 2000 exp per dish
- infinite stamina
- fast eat/serve/cook
- speed hack

download tools here : RC Tools

  • Go into Restaurant City
  • Open Rc tool. (download link above)
  • Select your browser.
  • Click 'Start'
  • Click 'Scan add' (let the tool scan for all the addresses)
  • After the scan, the buttons will be clickable. Select the cheats you want. See the below screenshot image for English translation.
Click +2000 for 2000 exp per dish. Note: you may need to serve a dish while scanning in step 5 to find the address to dishes' exp.

Warning: Do not use too much as a high amount of EXP will result in negative points and you will not be able to fix that !

Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Cheat Pet Society | | Crazy Coins For Flash Player 10 (Jan 31 2010)


credits : free2sw4u and pwnthis

Tools (download tools in the download section):
cheat engine 5.5
flash 10
flock browser/firefox

  1. Open Cheat engine
  2. Play Pet Society
  3. Exit your house and click on a tree to get a coin.
  4. Scan "8B78088B8FFC0200008945D8C745DC" (Hex, Array of bytes, ASROM*)
  5. 1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble
  6. Scroll UP a few lines and you should see this " jne xxxxxxxx"
  7. Right click and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
  8. New scan "8B402485F60F849B020000" (hex, array of bytes, ASROM*)
  9. 1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble
  10. You will see the code 'mov eax,[eax,+24]'
  11. Change it to 'mov eax,90'
  12. A few lines down, you will see the code "mov [ebp-24],00000001"
  13. Change it to 'mov [ebp-24],000001f4'
  14. Now, click on a tree. Increase about 4000-5000 coins and quickly click 'Add Coins'
  15. If Mayor is appearing, try clicking on 'Add Coins' earlier.
  16. Then exit shop
  17. Repeat step 14 and 15 till satisfied.
*ASROM : Also Scan Read-Only Memory

Tools | | Cheat Engine 5.6

bring good people cheat engine 5.6 update greetings and tell their friends of the blog

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